[15.0.0] Bilby version 15.0.0 introduces importing data controls to improve the data consumption experience. We also introduce huge report improvements including bookmarking which support personalised reports for Officers.
15.2.0 [2025-01-24]
This updates includes improvements to the help and support process. When a partner has configured a support email address, their users can access help and support.
- Converted the help & support page from “coming soon” to built-in help and support
- Partners can nominate a support email address for help requests
- Auditing is recorded for each request
- Huge improvement to the account claiming process
- When an account is created from admin a user must reset password and verify their account
- This is now a single process when a user resets their password
General Updates
- Small improvements to the display of the header, footer and navigation
System Related
- Added system administrator controls for jobs that required server access
- This is a quality of life improvement for bilby system administrators
- This allows us to modify user tiers and license expiries without a release
- Fixed issue where registration errors were not appearing to the user
15.1.0 [2025-01-18]
This update included some more administration configurations as part of our improvement to customisations on the system. We also improved the ability to ban accounts.
- Added the ability to block users from the system.
- When a user has been set to deactivated, they are unable to access any services.
- Super Admin users cannot be deactivated or blocked until their role has been removed.
- Added option to “auto approve” membership applications
- When enabled and a User submits, they can immediately purchase membership.
General Updates
- Added better guest messaging when user has completed their allocated bookings
- Allow ’entity_type_id’ to be specified when importing records
- Move import template options to sidebar location for better consistency
System Related
- Renamed ‘activity_type’ on activity reports to match system name ’entity_type_id’
- Fixed issue where imports would continue to process when cancelled because of caching
15.0.9 [2025-01-12]
Some more system improvements to address minor issues that were reported.
- Fixed issue where system could not recover from malformed data encoding on imports
- Fixed issue where users could not clear out tags on activities
- Fixed issue where search was not applied on the public activity list search
15.0.8 [2025-01-10]
This update includes some improvements to the data import process to allow upserting of user data based on unique columns such as email/username.
General Updates
- Allow upserting of user data by email or username
- Improved import upload logic to allow CSV uploads with a mime type of text/plain
System Related
- Added required package to manage system tenants
- Fixed issue with report filters when removing an autocomplete field displaying incorrect values (rare issue)
15.0.7-hotfix [2025-01-06]
- Fixed issue with permissions blocking activity owners from commenting on bookings
- Fixed issue with activity owner dashboard bookings being unauthorised
- Fixed issue with login/password page incorrectly reporting titles
15.0.6 [2025-01-04]
A significant update introduces a complete rewrite of the admin and account management dashboards, delivering a more streamlined and intuitive experience. Navigation and actions across Bilby have been enhanced, and all URLs have been restructured for improved clarity and organization.
- Contextual sidebar added to all administration pages
- Rewrite of URL structure
- Improved breadcrumbs to support URL structure
- Improved role access for Activity and Receipt Officers
- Activity & Receipt Officers can browse user accounts
- Activity & Receipt officers cannot update user details
- Activity Officers can see activity and booking details on an account
- Receipt Officers can see payment details on an account
General Updates
- Improved quality of alert popup designs
- Improved cache clearing when updating system related entities
- Improved checkbox styles to support button style design
- Improved account related form error handling and messages
- Add heading on public activity list view to show month and year for easier browsing
System Related
- Upgraded site to latest supported version of framework
- Removed the scheduler cache pruning as per upgrade guides
- Fixed issue where duplicate admin/activity owners could appear on tagging lists
- Fixed issue with error page messaging (security related fix)
- Fixed issue with reset button text colours on reports being unreadable
- Fixed address skip button odd placement issue
15.0.5 [2024-10-08]
This upgrade includes some preparation for user interface upgrades and url route upgrades. This also includes some minor bugfixes from the previous large scale system upgrade.
- Added the much requested feature “Wait List” booking status
- Moved call to actions to the top of forms on account pages
General Updates
- Added better support for email verification to prepare for phone verification
- Reduced the size of downloaded file resource with split bundles
- Simplified onboarding text and improved text prompts
- Fixed logic allowing disabled activity types to be selected for activity admins
- Fixed issue with password managers breaking the “reveal password” functionality
- Fixed issue with administrators not being able to access archived accounts
- Fixed issue where certain members were unable to select membership products until expired
15.0.4 [2024-09-27]
This was a large system upgrade release to put us on the latest versions of our framework. 🎉
General Updates
- Added logic to close navigation on mobile once option has been selected
- Improve information text on contact phone number onboarding screen
System Related
- Upgrade settings config package
- Upgrade framework to latest version
- Improved performance of seeders
- Changed development mailing service
- Fixed issue with reporting not applying tags filter correctly
15.0.3 [2024-08-19]
This release introduces some more quality of life improvements and a nice little feature to allow member officers the ability to send an email to a member.
- Added control to email a user for Member Officers on user profile page
General Updates
- Improve email templates to include a call to action button to reply
- Added download participant list to CSV on activities
- Added caching improvements on common views
15.0.2 [2024-08-08]
- Fixed issue with window alert appearing when trying to save an activity
15.0.1 [2024-07-26]
A patch release update which addresses some accessibility UI issues with reporting, and also adds a minor upgrades on supporting services.
General Updates
- Added booking valid/attended metrics on User reporting
System Related
- Updated map markers that have been scheduled for deprecation
- Fixed issue causing route caching to fail
- Fixed UI issue with scrolling dialog on bookmarks
- Fixed issue with reports history resulting in a 404 error for some users
15.0.0 [2024-07-24]
Bilby version 15.0.0 introduces importing data controls and bookmarking on reporting pages to support personalised reports.
- Added ability to bulk import Users and Activities into the system
- Added bookmarks feature to save custom report pages
General Updates
- Deprecated print list page on activities
- Removed duration on public activity list page
System Related
- Updated resource bundling to improved modern application
- Rebuild API service controls to support more robust filtering
- Fixed issue that would cause the server to timeout on exporting report data