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0.1.0-Alpha [2022-01-12]

Reporting was the big ticket item in this release. This feature gives orgs control over their data. Search, filter and navigate easily through the membership/activity database.


  • Reports
    • Activity + Member reporting now available
    • Search and filter data
    • Download data as a CSV
    • Select relevant fields in report
  • Leaders and above can generate a printable activity trip list
  • Icon buttons are now accessible with labels and added tooltips
  • Auto approval of bookings
    • When bookings are not required on activities they will automatically go into an approved state
  • Datetime display is now a configurable site setting
  • Added maps to public activity


  • Site settings include activity default start so orgs can specify their bailiwick
  • Updated the UI of all buttons on the site
  • Installed analytics
  • Prevent bookings on activities that are not in a valid state (Public/Private)
  • Improvements on the grading UI on the public activity page
  • Improved UI for public activity header bar
  • Hiding all leader info unless logged in. Login to see public info only


  • Fixed error in datetime display for multi day activities


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