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0.6.0-Alpha [2022-05-10]

This release include a major update to activity structure. New controls have been added to allow for more flexibility with activities. There are also several other improvements including the new user address structure.


  • Configurable activity types
    • Admin users now can control their activity types
    • Admin users can control fields that are required on activities
    • Leaders now choose from the activity types available
  • Activity notes feature
    • Added better UI and messages for adding notes
    • Users now have more information on types of notes
  • User profile address information feature
    • Address structure has been improved and can be validated
    • Address information is passed to the payment gateway


  • Added better messaging on active members list
  • Added correct links and ui on login and information
  • Added better messaging on public profile information
  • Added cancel confirmation button on booking page
  • Removed email error message on incorrect login attempts
  • Added support for disabled buttons
  • Added correct links to wiki pages
  • Improved the activity administration pages
    • Added activity title to header
    • Added better help text on activity types (now renamed to tags)
    • Added better help text on activity dates
    • Added better information on finishing/cancelling an activity

General Updates

  • General update to popover messages
  • Various internal updates


  • Fixed issue with sorting on activities list
  • Fixed some colour issues with buttons
  • Fixed issue preventing members from accessing members only activities
  • Fixed bug on last day of the month that displayed duplicate months
  • Fixed change owner activity access issue that allowed leaders to change owner


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