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0.2.0-Alpha [2022-01-24]

Another large codebase refactor and cleanup to support new structures. This release focussed on membership updated to processes and allows us to have more flexibility on how memberships are processed in the system.


  • Improvement to roles
    • Deprecated Guest,Member roles that didnt serve any functionality
    • Added Treasurer role that has ability over receipts and financials
    • Renamed Committee to Exec
    • Renamed Super Admin to Org Admin
  • Admin dashboard improvements
    • Created Administration area
    • Moved admin functions to this section
    • Styled differently from the profile dashboard (More development required in the future)
    • Moved membership functions to profile dashboard
  • Membership End to end processing
    • Made the membership process cleaner
    • Moved main functions of purchases to the products section
    • Improved the UI
    • Products now update membership statuses and add expiry datatime automatically
  • Migrate data features
    • Added data migration structure to assist with migrating existing data into the system


  • Deprecated the tasks view
  • Updated the profile page
  • Created placeholders for the profile section for new upcoming features
    • User notes which will contain Administration notes attached to a user profile
  • Updated messaging across site and improved notes here and there


  • Fixed paging bug that made controls disappear
  • Fixed bug that allowed leaders to create bookings on other leaders activities
  • Fixed bug where searching on reports would not filter correctly
  • Fixed membership processing bug that prevented admins from changing membership status


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