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0.4.2-Alpha [2022-02-16]

This release focussed on mobile optimisation and adding layouts. Basically another round of UI changes and cleaning up Bilby for production.


  • Added new UI layout for login forms
  • Added new UI for booking process
  • Added ability to change email
    • We are allowing any users to change their email address
    • But users must verify their new email address
  • Membership # of bookings needed is wired up to;
    • Show users how many bookings are needed to apply for membership
    • Once the required bookings are completed users can still make bookings but will go straight to a wait list for Leader review.
  • Added activity share links
    • Copy link to an activity - which is helpful for lists
    • Send activity via email
  • Added default image box design when no image is present


  • Added password criteria message on reset forms
  • Improved footer layout for mobile
  • Gave more breathing room on activities for mobile
  • Optimised pagination for mobile
  • WCAG update on labels on select inputs
  • Added a link to “My Bookings” once a booking has been made
    • This will direct users where to manage their bookings
  • Removed access to edit once a booking has been finalised
    • Edit button is only available when booking is in an active state
  • Optimised modal popups for small screens
  • Improved the icon popups text and added slight delay to improve customer UX


  • Fixed issue where draft activities could be recommended as a related activity


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