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0.13.x-beta [2023-04-28]

[0.13.0-beta - 0.13.14-beta] Version 13.x introduced major model changes to the User models and Entity Types. The latest release included minor updates to system packages and dependencies.

0.13.14-beta [2024-03-07]

  • Updated backend packages and dependencies
  • Updated frontend packages and dependencies

0.13.13-beta [2023-10-20]

This latest release fixes a minor issue on the message board of a booking that prevents usernames from being shared with the view.

General Updates

  • Improved the quality of the profile dropdown
  • User profile labels are now a consistent square


  • Fixed issue related to the mention list on the message board for a booking

0.13.12-beta [2023-10-03]

Activity owners are the custodians of an activity’s message board, this release facilitates interactions by notifying an activity owner anytime someone posts to the message board.


  • Activity officers can now change the activity type on activities
    • Changing the type will clear out the data saved on the details page
    • Activities can be recovered by administrators when creating the wrong type
  • New Notification for activity owners on message board
    • Activity owners are informed when someone comments on the message board
    • Activity owners can now be tagged regardless if they have a booking or not
    • Notifications are bundled and sent at intervals

General Updates

  • Added phone number to sign up registration process
  • Added help text when changing membership status to “approved”
  • Improved the text surrounding the verification email and screen
  • Added license end date field visible to site administrators
  • Improved the UI on user profile pages to support small devices
  • Improved test coverage on application


  • Fixed issue with inefficient query related to a users activities list
  • Fixed details not appearing when sharing an activity on socials

0.13.11-beta [2023-09-03]

This latest update improves some of the mobile device experiences and adds some quality of life updates to help with navigating around the app.

General Updates

  • Improved the mobile administration bar and performed minor tweaks to the mobile experience
  • Replaced admin action buttons with consistent admin dropdown throughout the app
  • Added change owner shortcut on main admin actions for an activity
  • Added shortcut to members list on member officer dashboard
  • Updated the booking status descriptions on the “Learn Why” a booking status was selected notification
  • Removed seconds display from all datetime fields

0.13.10-beta [2023-08-26]

This is a patch release version to address some very minor quality of life improvements and a minor bugfix.

General Updates

Added a status note when an activity owner has been changed

  • This will notify the new owner that they have been given an activity


  • Fixed issue with manifest forcing users to start on homepage when bookmarking

0.13.9-beta [2023-08-17]

13.9-beta includes a feature to facilitate communication between activity owners and activity officers. This will provide tagging abilities, and send notifications when communicating on administration notes.


  • Activity owners can tag an Activity Officers on an activities admin notes.
  • Activity officers will be notified when a note is added for their activity.

General Updates

  • Added activity description to activities
  • Renamed ‘participants’ to ‘user list’ on manage users page
  • Updated design of state type note to include user profile image
  • Improved timeline input to show more of the timeline to a user
  • Activity Ownership can be assigned to any user by activity officer
    • Change ownership is now less restrictive
    • Users can be added by username or email
    • A User can own any activity but cannot view without permission
  • Added logging rules to report when media handling would fail
  • Removed unused file on build phase
  • Removed deprecated functions
  • Updated temp file location when processing files
  • Allow partner onboarding to exit gracefully


  • Fixed issue with exporting phone numbers that would remove leading zero
  • Fixed issue with new user creation added as member leading to 404 page

0.13.8-beta [2023-07-26]

The latest update is related to the onboarding experience for new partners. This cleans up the user interface which is only seen by super admin users, and helps guide them when setting up a new site.


  • Added site wide notifications controlled by Super Admin users
    • Notifications are intended to be a way to get important messages out
    • Notifications appear on public pages in a banner section
    • Notifications can be dismissed by Users for 30 minutes
  • Improved the onboarding process
    • We can now onboard new partners using console commands

General Updates

  • Added version number to application shown on administration pages
  • Updated empty message on public activity list when no upcoming activities are present
  • Redirect admin user to profile page when clicking on a payment in the dashboard section
  • Improved the consistency of table designs in reporting sections
  • Added support for shared fields to be hidden on activity configurations (Super Admin)
  • Improved the design of site configurations to help with the onboarding experience
  • Updated server stack to improve build speed and slim dependencies
  • Removed all deprecated views from project
  • Removed template slots in favour of template stacks


  • Fixed issue where every activity was loading into memory on a certain page

0.13.7-beta [2023-07-19]

We built the administration dashboard which includes some quality of life improvements for the various administration roles. This update was planned for mid-late july.


  • Added dashboard metrics and stats for Officer level Users
    • Activity Officer will see latest bookings, activities in review and more
    • Member Officer will see general stats related to membership
    • Receipt Officer will see latest payments and month by month revenue
  • Default Privacy Settings (Sponsored Development)
    • Super Admin Users will be able to configure the default privacy settings for Users
    • New Users that register will be presented with the default privacy settings
    • Users can always change their privacy settings to suit their preference

General Updates

  • Added a note to the User record when a status change was made
  • Added rules to allow long text in markdown to wrap
  • Cleaned up a Users receipt styles + removed data that was not meaningful
  • Deprecated the User ‘Declined’ status which did not have meaning in the system
  • Updated robots.txt rules
  • Renamed receipts to payments on main navigation


  • Fixed issue where account verified emails could be sent on existing accounts when changing email address
  • Fixed issue that prevented booking attended number from appearing on reports
  • Fixed incorrect link on breadcrumbs for archived users

0.13.6-beta [2023-07-10]

An update for system and package dependencies. This update does not include any client facing changes.

General Updates

  • Minor server language version bumped to latest stable release
  • Major framework bump to latest release
  • Updated dependencies related to framework
  • Updated testing suite to support latest framework
  • Added rules to delay bots that consumed high resources
  • Added automated system generated no-reply email support

0.13.5-beta [2023-06-30]

After a development freeze and holiday, we are back with some stability fixes. We built the much-requested feature ‘clone an activity’ and also added more stability fixes and some other minor improvements.


  • Added ability to Clone an Activity
    • Activity Officers can clone any activity to their own account
    • Activity Owners can clone any of their activities
    • Cloned activities have a default start date of 7 days from the current datetime
    • Media/Featured images are also cloned
  • Added the ability to clear ‘user type’ on a User Account
    • Improved messaging on Changing ‘user type’ form
    • Recover any User Account that is created without a ‘user type’

General Updates

  • Improved the server processes to consume less memory when processing jobs
  • Added local time zone conversion on booking created date on booking info page
  • Improved ability to search in reporting for entities without a ’type’
  • Updated default participant ordering to booking created date
  • Improved the Message Board placeholder message to include @mentions
  • Activity admin note will appear when activity is marked as completed


  • Fixed issue with reporting filters throwing an error when a certain combo is entered
  • Fixed issue with reporting when checking empty values on a certain field
  • Fixed issue with caching when performing a release which could result in an error thrown during releases

0.13.4-hotfix [2023-05-24]

We have done a minor hotfix release to address some small issues found in 13.3-beta.

General Updates

  • Updated dashboard coming soon page to include links for suggested features
  • Improved accessibility semantics of breadcrumbs across the system


  • Fixed issue with inconsistent text size between form descriptions and ‘small’ text
  • Updated record download limit to 1000 to prevent timeout issue

0.13.3-beta [2023-05-22]

This latest release includes many updates to the User registration and onboarding process. This is designed to improve the failure rate of registrations and make it easier for a User to recover their position when onboarding.

We also have many other small improvements across the system to provice a smoother logic with membership application. Also included is the beginning of supporting the system internationally with Support for New Zealand addresses.


  • Rebuilt user registration processing
    • Improved the general registration workflow
    • Added a unique code to verify an email
    • Added instant feedback on rejected field data
    • Removed additional steps that were not adding value
    • Improved agreement to terms page and message
  • Improvements to User addresses
    • Added support for New Zealand addresses
    • Deprecated mailing address
    • Improved layout and readability of address forms
    • Added better messaging on profile address page with link to privacy settings
  • Updates to membership application process
    • Updated logic that decides when the membership apply button appears
    • Bookings validation check now happens on ATTENDED bookings rather than VALID
    • Improved the readability of unfinished membership steps
  • Added notifications related to membership applications
    • Member Officer can be notified when an new account has been created by a User
    • Member Officer can be notified when a User has Submitted a membership application
    • Receipt Officer can be notified when a receipt was manually generated
    • Receipt Officer can be notified when a membership product was purchased


  • Users will receive a confirmation email when purchasing a product
  • Cleaned up general membership settings and added descriptions to settings
  • Improved the ui quality of icon buttons and links
  • Added ability to toggle reveal values on all password fields
  • Updated timeline notes to accept 2000 characters
  • Tweaked styles of navigation profile button
  • Moved the description on metadata fields (metadata for Activity and Users)
  • Added logic to prevent scheduled jobs running on multiple tasks (We can now scale without restrictions)

General Updates

  • Deprecated mailing address from the system
  • Added fix to hide dialog when downloading a report
  • Added recaptcha component and implemented capctcha in more parts of the system
  • Added throttling to certain registration/verification pages


  • Fixed issue when deserialising models on the active filter menu where nothing would appear
  • Fixed issue with empty notes causing an error
  • Fixed issue with status field causing a background error on filtered lists
  • Fixed issue with inputs that were not matching their label name
  • Added missing default user type on accounts created with an invitation

0.13.2-hotfix [2023-05-08]

This release addressed some minor issues from the 13.1-beta release.

General Updates

  • Removed exposed User ID from members list


  • Fixed issue with background colour being overridden on bookings
  • Fixed issue with calendar download emitting a warning

0.13.1-beta [2023-05-05]

13.1-beta allows us to deep dive into record management with the introduction of a new record filtering system built in house. When a User has been given Officer access to records, they now have powerful control over the data and reporting.


  • Added new record management structure
    • Added general controls to filter all available fields
    • Added ability to select columns and column order in reporting
    • Added record sorting and paging to reporting
    • Improved the quality of exported reports
  • Improved Tooltips
    • Added new tooltip structure with improved tooltips UI
    • We are relying on tooltips more often for our icon links and buttons
    • This gives us better accessibility standards
    • They also work in conjunction with our current rendering framework
  • User management features
    • Create User accounts from user management UI
    • User creation can now be done by Profile Officers
    • Deactivate and Archive a User account
    • Restore a archived User account


  • Improved the acceptable use policy on notes
  • Improved the text for changing a Users email address
  • Only show spots left on an activity when the activity is openly taking bookings
  • Added convenient edit buttons on a Users profile
  • Updated the UI for system wide badges
  • Changed Max participants field to allow empty values

General Updates

  • Updated code formatting rules to improve quality of codebase


  • Fixed issue with adding a User that already has a trashed booking throwing an error
  • Fixed issue with notes tagging dialog box appearing off the page on first load
  • Fixed issue with notes tagging adding multiple tags breaking formatting

0.13.0-beta [2023-04-28]

13.0-beta was an enormous update for Bilby with changes mostly in the backend. We have been operating live for several months and have a good idea on what data is required for most requests. This felt like a good opportunity to improve on the structure to make it more efficient, and to support many of the upcoming User related improvements.


  • Improved the display for entity fields that have multiple options
  • Updated the “attended” badge on bookings to be consistent across pages
  • Added robots rules to slow down allowed bots

General Updates

  • Major update to merge membership and meta models into a common model
  • Moved file structure around for certain sections of the application (extended classed)
  • Updated some column names for user entity to better support onboarding
  • Added better message for Users without a user type defined by org


  • Fixed issue with metadata rendering option fields when hidden by privacy where nothing would appear


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