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Reporting and Record Management

Record management is a fundamental part of the Bilby Management Software system. We can browse our data, create our own reports or export our data into third party systems.


When creating a report, there are 3 important components that control the data you see; Filtering, Columns and Sorting. To get a good quality report, we will want to configure all 3.

Bilby provides a quick search control at the top of reports. This will perform a partial match on records. For Activities, this will search results matching an Activity title. For Users, this will search results on a Users name.

When the quick search cannot help you find what you are looking for, then use the filter controls to perform a targeted search.

1. Filtering

Filtering allows us to specify conditions on what records we want. Some examples include: User registration month by month; Members that have an expiry coming up in the near future; Activities that are being run in a specific month/year or by a certain User.

To add filters to your report;

  • Click on the ‘Add Filter’ button which will open up a modal
  • Select a field we want to filter (eg: name, created_at, title, status)
  • Select the condition we want to filter
  • Add a value to the filter

You may add as many filters as you would like to a report. When a filter has been accepted, it will appear at the top of the report in the ‘Filters’ section.

2. Columns

Columns tell the system which fields you would like to be included in your report. They will also determine the order your fields will appear in. This can be useful when looking for certain information.

To modify the columns that appear, or to change the order;

  • Navigate to a reporting page
  • Click on the ‘Column’ button at the top of a report
  • To add a field, select the field from the dropdown
  • To remove a field, click on the remove button to the right of the column
  • The order can be changed in this section as well
  • Select ‘Update’ to apply your changes

3. Sorting

The sorting section is used to determine how your records will be sorted. This can be especially useful when sorting records by date or a numerical size.

To control the sorting of a report;

  • Navigate to a reporting page
  • Click on the ‘Sort’ button at the top of a report
  • Select the field you would like to sort by
  • Select the sorting direction (A - Z)
  • Select ‘Update’ to apply your changes

Report FAQs

The report controls are powerful and robust. With great functionality comes great questions! If you have any questions or need help, feel free to visit the Contact Us page and get in touch. Here are some of the common questions we have been asked.

What are the filtering conditions?

Filtering conditions are a simple way to tell the system what it should be comparing our search to. There are several different conditions available. Here are some of the most common comparisons.

There are many comparisons available. The system will help you select from the conditions available when you select a field. Here are some of the examples of options available:

  • Text Fields
    • Exact Match: matches input exactly
    • Partial Match: matches the input partially
  • Number Fields
    • Greater Than (or equal to): data greater than (or same as) the input value
    • Less Than (or equal to): data less than (or same as) the input value
  • Date Fields
    • Is After (or on): data after (or on) the input date
    • Is Before (or on): data before (or on) the input date

How do I remove filters from my report?

When a filter is added and accepted by the system, a small badge will appear at the top of the report with the name of the filter. When you click on the filter, it will be removed from the report.

You can also click on the ‘Filters’ badge to see a list of all filters accepted, and what values have been applied.

Why can’t I select some fields when filtering?

Most fields can be filtered, but there are certain relations that are not supported with filtering. When these fields are present, they will simply not be visible in the filtering options.

What is the Sort Direction?

The sort direction can either be “smallest to largest” or the other way around. In alpha characters this is A - Z and for dates earliest to latest.