Member Officer

Processing Membership

Once Bilby users have been approved for membership, they are able to purchase and renew membership all online without any admin interaction.

Receipts are generated for transactions that have taken place in the system. A nice audit trail is available for a Member Officer and Receipt Officer who can then access this information.

For more information on receipts see the Receipt Management and Reporting page.

To see how membership is purchased, check out the User Guides which describe the renewal process.

Updating membership manually

Bilby allows Member Officer users the ability to manually edit and process membership data on their org.

This covers cases when a membership application is paid for and processed offline.

To administer a users membership first navigate to the User Management and Reporting page, select a profile.

When on a user profile, you can manage a users membership manually by clicking the admin actions Manage Membership button.

You can update the Member Status directly and membership expiry. Bilby also allows you to update the Member Since field.

To manually update a User account;

  • First navigate to a Users account
  • Select “Edit Membership” on the sidebar

Member Officers will have access to member status, membership expiry, and member since date.