
Manage your bookings

So, you have created an activity, and you have opened it up for bookings. Now users are showing interest, making comments, asking questions and creating bookings. Awesome!

How do I find the booking list for my activity?

To view booking associated with an activity;

  • Login and navigate to Your account page
  • Select Activities on your account
  • Select an Activity from your list
  • Click on the Participants option

Controlling booking statuses

Booking statuses serve as guidelines to help inform users about the status of their booking. Ultimately, the decision is yours when selecting a status, and you can assign whatever meaning works best for your group.

You can update a bookings status anytime. This is important to keep up-to-date because users will see this information on their bookings. Below are the statuses that are available on any booking and our interpretation of their meaning.


A User has expressed interest by sending a comment, or an Activity Owner is collecting interest for a potential activity.


The default booking status that needs to be reviewed. Users will see that they do not have a “Valid” booking to this activity and are awaiting your feedback.


The booking is valid, and no further action is required to take place.


This could mean the booking has been canceled, removed, withdrawn, declined, is no longer valid, is being administered elsewhere, or requires no further administration. The user will still see the booking in their records.


You can select this status if you intend to have a “Wait List” on your activity or you can simply select this status if a User is awaiting an action.

Communicating with participants

Notes for individuals

When you have a booking registered on your activity, you can write notes that are visible to the User anytime. Simply select the booking and write the User a note.

Learn how to View bookings details.

Notes for all participants

You can send messages that are visible to all valid participants. This can be found on the “Manage Users” section of the activity administration screen, then simply click on the Message Board tab.

Learn more about the Message Board.

At the end of an activity

Let Bilby know who Participated

Bilby allows Activity Owners the ability to record attendance on an activity which is useful on a personal level to know what happened on your activities when looking back.

To finalise a booking and record attendance, you can click the “Finish Activity” button and you will be presented with a list of Users with Valid bookings.

Click on the Yes/No toggle for each Participant to show who attended, and who might have missed out. This will automatically update each Users attendance.

Add an administrative note to say how the activity went

Once you have finished recording attendance, you can click the “Next” button, and you will see an input box which can be used to write a note. This is handy to let other Officers know how the activity went, or if there were any issues.

If you choose to not write a note, you can simply click the “Finalise” button.

More information

For more information about managing booking see: