Activity Notes

Tagging Etiquette

Activity Owners and Users can now tag each other on the Message Board. Sometimes this can result in an email notification. Because Bilby will notify other participants when you have tagged another user, we think it’s worth putting together some basic guidelines.

Tag someone when it’s important

When you tag another User, you are essentially saying that you have something important that they should respond to. This can also be something that is time sensitive.

Do This ✅

Hey @user, I will be late by 30 minutes!

If you are responding to someone with a thumbs up, or an ‘ok’, have a quick think if it’s really important that you tag them.

Avoid tagging a single person multiple times

When writing messages, if you have tagged someone once and then decide you would like to write another message, thats ok!

Just remember that each time you tag someone you’ll be sending them another email. This can potentially be annoying for some people. No-one likes constant spam emails.

Do This ✅

User Said - 12:00pm
Hey @bilby, this is the first message!

User Said - 12:05pm
Hey again bilby, this is my second message but since I don’t want to bother you with multiple emails I haven’t used the @ + bilby tag this time.

This lets a User check their Bilby account for messages when they’re ready.

Not This ❌

User Said - 12:00pm
Hey @bilby, this is a message

User Said - 12:05pm
This is another message but re-tagging @bilby right after sending the first message!

Only tag the intended recipients

Sometimes you will want to address a couple of people in a message, and that’s ok. If a message is relevant to multiple people, then it’s worth tagging them.

Keep in mind that each time you add a tag you are asking Bilby to send a notification to that person. If you use @everyone, for example, you’ll end up sending your message to everyone! This can be really frustrating to those users who really don’t need to know.

Do This ✅

Bilby Said - 12:00pm
Hey @user1 and @user2, this is a message for both of you!

Not This ❌

Bilby Said - 12:00pm
Hey @user1 and @everyone, this is a message for @user1 only!